Ligna 2019 is recognised as one of the most important events at international level for the market of plant, machinery and tools for wood processing.

«Visitor numbers were high, both in terms of quantity» points out Claudio Filippi, marketing manager of Saomad, «but especially in terms of quality.The most significant thing is that these visits were connected to information about our machine generated by word of mouth».

Woodpecker 15/3 made its debut at Hannover, where this innovative machining centre presented technological solutions that were unique, compared to anything else in the fair.

«It was no surprise that we received compliments from some big organisations, mostly from abroad» Claudio Filippi continued.«For Saomad the event was a success – we have already finalised agreements with important European distributors».

Generally speaking, attendance was very high in the first three days of the event.Visitors interested in buying and investing came mainly from central and southern Europe.


What are the new features of Woodpecker 15/3?

The new work centre is more compact.External dimensions have been further reduced – something particularly appreciated by many European clients.

«We have made the machine ‘smart’ for the company.Apart from production flexibility, which is taken as standard, we have developed a highly advanced work technology for the entire production process of the machine.

Despite having fewer motors (the ‘3’ stands for the number of main motors), our new machine ensures improved productivity compared with all previous models in the range and with all solutions of our competitors.

The Woodpecker 15/3 work centre is much more autonomous than the rest of the range, i.e. the machine works on its own for a longer time.Today these machines can be manned by just one person who positions the pieces of wood, one after another, following a visual list on a screen.Also, installation and start-up of Woodpecker 15/3 takes much less time than that required for previous models.

Lastly, all these innovations have been introduced while keeping to a fixed budget, in part thanks to the artificial intelligence running the machine.
«Ligna 2019» Claudio Filippi concludes«has made clear the evolution in technology and automation in our sector.

Indeed, the fair organisation itself said that 50% of visitors to the event judged the importance of Industry 4.0 as ‘considerable to very high’.About 40% of them were updating their current machinery or considering the purchase of new machines, to exploit the advantages of Industry 4.0.

Personally, I find the latter a somewhat vague and abstract concept, but what was quite evident and ‘tangible’ at the fair was the overall technological progress in machinery in general, in robotics and especially in software.Woodpecker couldn’t have had a better setting than this for its launch».

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Woodpecker 15/3 at Ligna 2019


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